Yoga Healing Nature

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The Power of Setting an Intention.

Why set an intention? It seems all the hype right?!

When we were in Bali running our last retreat one of the things that really stood out to me is that intention and manifestation are part of the Balinese daily life. Daily offerings whether it be to start the day, open your shop, make a trip ect… weave throughout their everyday schedule. There is a peacefulness that exists within the people that I truly believe is due partly to their dedication in doing things with intention and having these small moments that bring them back to the present.

Now does that mean if you set an intention everything will automatically fall into place… not necessarily, but, it can help give you find direction and purpose allowing you to appreciate your life where you are at. Many religions practice similar actions through prayer that make you present yet an intention is slightly different as it puts the actions in your hands not a God. Setting and intention should not be confused with setting a Goal as the intention is really the road map to the goal. The role of the intention is to pave the path for your goals and dreams to manifest. Think of it more as developing your values and ways of relating to the world/life.

For example, in Yoga we often focus on one Asana (pose) we wish to achieve and get wrapped up into achieving it. You can hit your mat everyday and not make that pose yet you miss so many small wins along the way. If you set an intention and practice with more presence and clarity of mind you will start to enjoy the journey as well as the destination. The intention allows you to step out of your mind which in turn balances your emotions and raises your physical energy. All in all allowing us to be happier and more productive.

At the moment we are moving through a difficult time in the world. It is very easy to get wrapped up into the uncertainties of the futures, the present discomforts, what we don’t have and what we are not happy with. Starting to set and intention every morning will help us move through the day focusing on what we can control rather than what we cannot.

Here are a few intentions to get you started:

  • I intend to be happy today.

  • I intend to focus on what I can change and let go of what I cannot.

  • I intend to listen carefully to my body and mind.

  • I intend to spread kindness around me.

  • I intend to stop taking things personally.

  • I intend to trust myself.

  • I intend to let go of judgement.

  • I intend to see the glass half full and trust in the good of the world.

  • I intend to believe in the good in people.

  • I intend to make my health a priority.

It doesn’t have to be anything complicated and you can use the same intention daily if it resonates with you. Sometimes we just need to simplify what is going on in our head by taking a step back, being more present, reflecting and moving forwards.

