Yoga Healing Nature

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Adjusting to Autumn in times of Uncertainty.

Change is in the air and as always we encourage you to watch the shifts that you go through during these Season changes. At the end of the day nature, life, seasons are all cycles that repeat themselves so it makes sense to pay attention to them in order to live a more balanced, happy and fulfilled life!

Autumn, for some, can seem like a bit of a bummer.

Usually there can be a sense of nostalgia that can set in due to the end of the long, warm and fun summer days. Those summer dinners out on the terrace, memories of holidays and that carefree summer nature can feel lost with the sense of ‘getting back to business’.


The situation we are all going through globally has shifted the natural rhythm of life and has intensified any changes we are going through. For many the uncertainty of the next few months coupled with the shift into colder months has been a bit unnerving and made our normal reactions more intense. Everyone has been through so much this year and 2020 has turned into the longest marathon ever!


There are many things you can do to adapt to this season of change and uncertainty. Here are 5 of our top tips to stay balanced this Autumn.

  • Adapt, adapt, adapt - Research shows that people who adapt faster to times of crisis survive and thrive more. Change is never easy especially when there is so much of it. If we spend all our time fighting the change or being upset about it we miss moments of essential growth and we end up making the situation harder for ourselves. Shift your mindset from the crisis and what you are lacking from it to a more positive one.

  • Embrace a positive mindset - A positive mindset is not always the default. Negativity feeds fear, stress, anxiety, sadness, depression and a toxic lifestyle. Positivity on the other hands feeds happiness, joy, love, health and attracts success. People who are positive make a choice to be so and work at it everyday. You can do it too, no matter how daunting it feels. If you find it very hard to be positive start by focusing on your physical body by moving it and eating well. When your physical body feels better your mind will follow. If you need help do our At Home Retreat with our delicious menu and daily yoga to ground during this change of season.

  • Let go - One of the qualities of Autumn is shedding which you can see clearly in Nature reflected in the shedding trees. In the same way shed some of the weight that might be holding you down. Whether it be physical or more importantly mental. We can not control everything and letting go of those things will help you feel lighter and more relaxed. This is not the time (especially during a pandemic) to overcomplicate your life so work on letting go of what is unneeded, you can’t control and what is causing you grief.

  • Communicate - It has never been more important to communicate. With opportunities of social interaction being challenged a lot of people are finding themselves alone or experiencing loneliness. Moving into the longer and cooler days this feeling can become heightened. During this age of social media we are seemingly more connected however we communicate less and less. We scroll through pictures of family and friends, double tap to like and feel we are connected but rarely reach out. REACH OUT. Call your friends, family and loved ones. Take the time every day to speak to someone and share.

  • Don’t be scared to be spontaneous - Try different things, make last minute plans and enjoy each present moment. In times of uncertainty it is essential to live in the moment. Have fun, enjoy the little things, try something new and don’t be scared to be a little weird. More importantly… trust that everything is going to be alright.

With Love,

Chloe & Christian

Previous articles on Autumn:

5 Tips to Feel Great in Fall

Elemental Sequence for Fall

Prepare Your body for Fall